Questioning the development of international law with regard to third-party countermeasures: Lessons from Libya, Syria, Ukraine and beyond

International Law and Third-Party Countermeasures in the Age of Global Instant Communication

1. Introduction I have been invited to join the debate around the admissibility of third-party countermeasures (TPCs) that has been inspired by Martin Dawidowicz’s article in this issue of QIL.[1] I take this opportunity to make a few comments on his article, while trying to avoid repeating the thoughts that I have already put down...

Third-party countermeasures: A progressive development of international law?

1. Introduction This short contribution will examine one of the great unresolved questions of contemporary international law: the position of third-party countermeasures.[1] The use of otherwise unlawful unilateral sanctions of a peaceful character taken by States referred to in Article 48 of the ILC Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARSIWA) in...