Parallel treaties, (un)parallel commitments? The struggle between universalism and regionalism in international water law

A cure or a curse? Entry into force of the UN Watercourses Convention and the Global Opening of the UNECE Water Convention

1. Introduction 2014 will surely be seen as a landmark year in the evolution of the international water law. On the 17th August, 17 years on from its adoption, the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourse (UN Watercourses Convention) finally entered into force.[1]  While entry into force of this global...

Comparing the 1992 UNECE Helsinki Water Convention with the 1997 UN New York Convention on international water-course: harmonization over conflict

1. Introducing a comparative analysis The two Conventions under consideration have raised the question of their mutual compatibility ever since the adoption of the later one, given their basically identical material scope. From a systemic standpoint, the reason for elaborating the New York Convention (NYC) further to the Helsinki Convention (HC) could be found in the...