For all or for some? Functional immunity of State officials before the International Law Commission

The immunity of State organs – A reply to Pisillo Mazzeschi

1. Pisillo Mazzeschi’s main thesis Pisillo Mazzeschi has carried out an in depth enquiry of the topic of immunity. One should not only take into account  the piece he wrote for Questions of International Law, but also the substantive contribution he has made to an Italian legal encyclopedia.[1]  His findings have already been critically analysed...

A few remarks on the functional immunity of the organs of foreign States

1. Introduction I read with great interest the article by Pisillo Mazzeschi and the subsequent reactions to it, all of which were stimulating in terms of the variety of views expressed and the arguments supporting them. That said, no-one, myself included, should make the presumption that the opinions he expressed are necessarily the right ones,...