The tyranny of living in the public eye: How do international courts portray themselves and behave in the digital arena?

Quelles images les juridictions internationales donnent-elles d’elles-mêmes sur les internets? La CIJ et la CPI comme des agentes de paix et de justice

1. Introduction Comme le souligne Lorenzo Gradoni dans sa contribution ‘They Tweet Too : Sketches of International Courts’ Digital Lives’[1], nous portons certainement, en tant que juristes internationalistes, bien davantage d’attention aux informations qui figurent sur les sites internet mis en place par les juridictions internationales ou aux informations qui sont transmises sur les réseaux...

International Courts and their politics of (in)visibility

1. Introduction Particularly over the last two decades, academic reflections have produced a variety of characterizations to mark the uniqueness of our digital age. Two of these are, in my opinion, as immediate as they are powerful. The first, which I encountered at the very beginning of my studies on the relationships between politics and...

They tweet too: Sketches of international courts’ digital lives

1. Watch the medium We browse through them daily, either to download the judgment everyone talks about, find the piece of information we need to fix a footnote, or seek inspiration. Yet we do not see them. As we wade through their contents, we feel no need to stand back and watch the frame. Today,...