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Seeking a pragmatic and creative solution to the challenge of sea-level rise: The case of Tuvalu

1. Introduction In late 2021 a question was raised in the UK parliament: ‘How does the Government plan to support those affected by sea-level rise …?’ The government response was: ‘We will remain open to pragmatic and creative solutions given that the challenge of sea-level rise through climate change was not expressly considered during the...

Les conséquences de l’élévation du niveau de la mer sur les frontières terrestres et maritimes

1. Introduction L’élévation du niveau de la mer de trente centimètres à un mètre d’ici la fin du siècle, selon le rapport du Groupe I du GIEC publié en août 2021, entrainera un recul du trait de côte de nombreux Etats tout autour du globe[1]. Le phénomène sera aggravé par le fait, également souligné par...

Culture overboard! The climate shift of international cultural heritage law in the face of rising sea levels

1. Introduction: Addressing sea level rise through the lens of climate change Sea level rise is, in the current context of climate emergency, a slow and continuous phenomenon, sometimes hardly noticed by coastal populations, if not for the disappearance of the dunes or the erosion of the coasts that accompany it. The relative discretion of...

Human Rights of People Living in States Threatened by Climate Change

1. Introduction Sea level rise is a dramatic phenomenon of growing concern to the international community, as it will directly affect some 70 coastal and island States and indirectly affect almost all States due to problems arising from increased migration and lack of natural resources.[1] This is clear from the last IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on...

Débattre des changements climatiques au Conseil de sécurité : pour quoi faire ?

1. Introduction Qu’il existe une dimension sécuritaire liée aux changements climatiques ne fait plus aucun doute. La potentielle disparation de larges portions de territoires en raison de l’élévation du niveau de la mer, avec tout ce que cela engendre, en particulier en termes de mouvements migratoires, n’est qu’une des manifestations de la menace à la...

Sinking States: The statehood dilemma in the face of sea-level rise

1. Introduction Despite the lack of legal sources providing a definition of ‘State’ in international law, ‘territory’ has always been recognized as an essential component of statehood alongside two other elements, namely ‘permanent population’ and ‘government’.[1] Traditionally, ‘territory’ is referred to as a natural segment of the Earth’s surface; its size is irrelevant. As a...

The impact of sea-level rise on baselines: A question of interpretation of the UNCLOS or evolution of customary law?

1. Introduction In the framework of the broader question of the adverse impact of sea-level rise (hereinafter: SLR) on low-lying coastal and archipelagic States, the specific question of the effects on baselines has been receiving increasing attention in the international debate. The question is whether, once a State has determined its baselines by a legislative...